Who are You?

Are you an existing user or a prospect for an Electric Vehicle?

If Yes, You have reached the right place to do a quick exploration of EV options in India. at dekhoev, you can check out & compare electric two wheelers scooters and bikes, electric three wheeler cargo carriers, electric three wheeler passenger carriers, Electric Cars & Electric SUV s. You can also review any brand owned by you or go through others reviews to make your buying decision. Our interface is designed to give you a heads up in your research and helps you quickly narrow down your choices before you start visiting the showrooms. While we do not ask you to give us your details if you just want to browse dekhoev.com, we will request you to register if you are posting a review so that the review credibility is maintained. In case you have any other feedback, please click here to let us know your views. Alternatively you can write to us dekhoev@gmail.com or call us on 9810671205.

Are you an auto enthusiast or a blogger?

You can contribute towards enhancing others' awareness of various EV brands & options in India by sharing your valuable experience. You can also let us know in case you feel that we need to correct any kind of information on our site. We will request you to register if you are posting a review so that the review credibility is maintained. click here to give us your feedback on anything related to this website or to express your interest towards being our expert guide (Please include your details in the message body). You may also write to us dekhoev@gmail.com or call us on 9810671205.

Are you from an Electric Vehicle OEM?

You can help our users by answering their queries pertaining to your product. Also, If you notice any discrepancy, inaccuracy or missing information pertaining to any Model / Price / Feature(s) or Image(s) from YOUR product portfolio, please do let us know about the issue or your concern by clicking here so that we can address it as soon as possible. Please do not forget to include your details & your organisation's / Brand's details in the message body. For a faster response write to us dekhoev@gmail.com or call us on 9810671205. As of now we are covering brands in the following categories.

Electric Two wheelers

  1. Electric Scooters
  2. Electric Bikes

Electric 4 Wheelers (personal)

  1. Electric Cars
  2. Electric SUV s

Electric Three wheelers

  1. Electric Three wheelers (cargo)
  2. Electric three wheelers (passenger).